BD Women’s weightlifting team fly to Uzbekistan today


A six-member Bangladesh Women’s Weightlifting team will leave here for Uzbekistan on Wednesday morning to participate in the 27th Senior Women’s and 46th Senior Men’s Asian Weightlifting Championship to be held in Tashkent on April 21-30.
The Bangladesh team comprises of four lifters, one coach and an official.
Lifters are SA Games gold medalist Mabia Akhter Simanta (63 kgs), silver medalists Phulpati Chakma (58 kgs) and Rokeya Sultana Sathy (69 kgs), and bronze medalist Mollah Sabira Sultana (48 kgs).
Shahriar Sultana Suchi will accompany the team as coach while General Secretary of Bangladesh Weightlifting Federation Wing Commander Mohiuddin Ahmed is in the team to attend the executive committee meeting of Asian Weightlifting Federation.
The participation of Bangladeshi lifters in the ensuing Rio Olympic Games will depend on their performances in the Asian Weightlifting Championship.
The Asian Weightlifting Federation and the meet’s organizer will provide food and accommodations for the Bangladesh team.
