BD wants to send back Rohingyas safely: FM

UNB, Dhaka :
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali on Sunday said Rohingyas are a composite group of Myanmar people, and Bangladesh wants to send these forcibly displaced people to their homeland in safe and secure manner.
He said Bangladesh is currently hosting about 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims who have been subject to violence and severe atrocity in the Rakhaine State of Myanmar.

The issue came up for discussions at a meeting with Foreign Minister of Estonia Sven Mikser held at the State guesthouse Padma in afternoon.
Minister Ali informed Mikser of his recent visit to Rakhaine to see the essential conditions for safe and secure repatriation of these persecuted people.
Foreign Minister Mikser highly appreciated the great hospitality extended by the government of Bangladesh to give shelter to these Rohingyas and expressed solidarity with Bangladesh on their safe and secure repatriation.
Minister Ali reaffirmed Bangladesh’s support for Estonia’s bid to the non-permanent seat of the UN Security Council and wished Estonia success in its efforts.
He hoped that the two countries would be able to work on multifarious issues of global concern under the UN auspices and its reform process as well.
Foreign Minister Mikser, accompanied by the senior officials of his Ministry, is now on a three-day visit.
The visit of the Estonian Foreign Minister is the first high-level visit taking place between the two countries, according to the Foreign Ministry here.
Both the Foreign Ministers held cordial discussions on various aspects of bilateral ties as well as important regional and multilateral issues of mutual interest.
Minister Mikser expressed happiness for visiting Bangladesh and hoped that this will consolidate the bilateral relations between the two countries.
He informed Foreign Minister Ali of the capacity and expertise Estonia has achieved and can offer, particularly in the IT and ICT sector.
Mikser said Estonia is the most digitally connected country in the world and their government has implemented e-government system in every sector, including education, banking, security, land management, taxation and healthcare.
He offered sharing of Estonian expertise in e-governance and digitalisation both with the government and private sectors, and expressed interest in market development in the digital sector of Bangladesh.
On international and regional cooperation, Mikser expressed gratitude for Bangladesh’s support towards Estonia’s maiden bid for the non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
