BD urges Asian leaders to pressure Myanmar for Rohingya’s return


Bangladesh called upon the parliamentarians of Asian nations to exert pressure on Myanmar so that Rohingya people shelter in Bangladesh can return their homeland Myanmar in safe, secured and dignified way.
Md Shahab Uddin, Whip of Bangladesh Parliament, made the urge at the 10th Parliamentary Session of Asian Parliamentary Assembly in Istanbul, on Wednesday.
He emphasized on the five-point proposal laid by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the last UNGA in bringing a permanent solution to the Rohingya crisis. Shahab Uddin also expressed thanks and deep appreciation to the international community for their support and cooperation in addressing Rohingya crisis, said a press release received here on Thursday.
The issue was also adequately reflected in the statements of a considerable number of countries presented at the Plenary Session, it added.
Shahab Uddin, in his statement on the plenary session titled ‘Sustaining Peace and Development in Asia’, underlined the need of ensuring peace and security for sustainable development of any society.
Strongly condemning terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and dimensions, he firmly announced ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy of Bangladesh in this regard. The Whip particularly emphasised on Bangladesh’s relentless drives in realising its vision 2021 and vision 2041 by highlighting the country’s continued economic growth and accomplishments in the areas like education, health and women empowerment.
The Assembly was attended by Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Whips and Parliamentarians across the Asia.
The 6-day Assembly, starting from November 20, is expected to adopt couple of important outcome documents including Istanbul Declaration. Shahab Uddin is leading a high profile Bangladesh Parliamentary delegation to the Assembly which to be ended on November 25.
