BD to receive 3.4m Sinopharm vaccine doses next week


Bangladesh will receive another consignment of 3.4 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine next week and 6 million doses of Pfizer vaccine in the first week of September, said Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Thursday.
Apart from that, Bangladesh will also receive 1 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine soon which is likely to come under the Covax facility, he said. “We’ve lined up well. We think we’re on the right track,” he told reporters at the state guesthouse Padma after attending a function there. Referring to the Health Ministry, Dr Momen said Bangladesh has a stock of 12.3 million vaccine doses and some of the doses (AstraZeneca) will be kept for the second dose.
On coproduction of vaccine, he said the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on coproduction of Sinopharm vaccine in Bangladesh will be signed at any moment.
The Law Ministry has already cleared it after vetting and it will be signed any moment, said the foreign minister adding that “Everything is final.”
Dr Momen said the coproduction of vaccine doses in Bangladesh is essential. “I want the start of coproduction.”
Earlier, he said the MoU is with the Health Ministry and the Health Ministry should dispose of it very quickly.
Dr Momen said the government of Bangladesh, Sinopharm and a local company (Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd) will sign the agreement.
Incepta will bring in bulk and bottling, labeling and finishing of the vaccine will be done locally making the price relatively very cheap.
Asked whether there is any shift from the government plan to vaccinate 1 crore people each week, Dr Momen said it is their target as per the Health Ministry and hoped to vaccinate 8 crore people within two months.
