BD journos want release of Reuters’ reporters

UNB, Dhaka :
Journalists here on Tuesday condemned the jailing of two Reuters’ journalists through a ‘farcical trial’ by Myanmar authorities.
They demanded unconditional release of the duo-Thet Oo Maung (Wa Lone) and Kyaw Soe Oo.
The demand came from a human chain formed here in solidarity with the imprisoned the two journalists of Reuters.
Media Activists for Secular Bangladesh organised the human chain programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club demanding unconditional release of the duo sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment.
Addressing the programme, journalist leaders said this sentence is an outrageous attack carried out by the Myanmar authorities on freedom of press to cover up the crimes against humanity and genocide against Rohingyas in the Rakhine state of Myanmar. The two journalists were charged under the Official Secrets Act of Myanmar as they revealed the brutal actions of Myanmar army against Rohingya people.
With this trial, it has been proved that Myanmar authorities committed heinous crimes against its Rohingya in Rakhine state, which they consider official secret, the journalist leaders said.
Former joint secretary general of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists Pulack Ghatack, former general secretary of Dhaka Reporters Unity Razu Ahmed, former joint secretary Sazzad Hossain and senior reporter of Dainik Janata Jahangir Khan Babu, among others, spoke at the programme. They also demanded immediate repatriation of 1.1 million Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh with dignity and the trial of the Myanmar military officials responsible for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.