BD faces problems to ensure democracy: Irene


Irene Khan, Director General of Rome-based International Development Law Organisation, on Saturday said Bangladesh faces problems in the judiciary, human rights situation and press freedom to ensure democracy. “Whatever happened on January 5, we should look forward what would happen in the future,” she told a dialogue titled ‘Future of Democracy in Bangladesh’ arranged by BBC Bangla and its Media Action at Biam auditorium in the capital. She said democracy cannot be measured only with elections while independent judiciary, human rights, press freedom and participation of political parties are the major components to make democracy effective. Also former secretary general of Amnesty International, a London-based rights watchdog, Irene said, “It’s true people (in Bangladesh) have become impatient but an interim election cannot be a solution.” Prime Minister’s political adviser HT Imam, BNP standing committee member Dr Abdul Moin Khan and Bangladesh Alliance for Women Leadership executive director Nasim Ferdous, among others, took part in the dialogue. HT Imam claimed Bangladesh is considered as a role model in the world as it is making rapid economic progress. “That would not have been possible had there been no good governance and democracy in the country,” he said. Opposing Imam’s view, BNP senior leader Dr Moyeen Khan said representation of people is the essence of democracy while the incumbent government has grabbed power without having elections in 154 among 300 constituencies. Terming completely unrepresentative the present government as the January-5 polls was ‘voter-less’ ones, Moyeen Khan said BNP will continue its peaceful movement to oust this ‘undemocratic’ regime. Responding to a question from the audience, HT Imam said there is no chance for a midterm election as no such situation now prevails in the country. – UNB, Dhaka.
