BD briefs Russia on Rohingya crisis

UNB, Dhaka :
Seeking support from Russia to resolve the Rohingya crisis, Bangladesh has narrated how the possibility of outstanding economic and social development tempo of Bangladesh may face external challenges following the mass exodus of the ethnic group from Myanmar.
The issue came up for discussion at a meeting between Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on Monday.
Foreign Minister informed his Russian counterpart how Bangladesh was helping with everything in its capacity to assist Rohingyas from Myanmar at great financial, social and environmental cost to itself, purely on grounds of humanitarianism and goodwill gestures of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Mahmood Ali apprised Lavrov of the latest developments and the measures taken by the Government of Bangladesh for the rehabilitation of the Myanmar nationals and sought the active cooperation of the Russian Federation and all others for resolving the issue.
Lavrov praised the efforts by Bangladesh and considered the recent engagements of Myanmar and the proposed inclusion of UN agencies and UNHCR in the rehabilitation arrangement as good signs towards resolving the problem.
He also assured possible assistance of Russia in this regard, said the Foreign Ministry here.
Both the Ministers have expressed deep satisfaction on the pace of progress
of the project for implementing the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant under the state export credit extended by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The Russian Foreign Minister assured Bangladesh of the timely completion of the project and training of the essential scientific and technical personnel.
The Foreign Ministers expressed satisfaction over the successful operations of Gazprom in different gas fields of Bangladesh and the Russian side reassured the engagement of Gazprom for further engagements in the energy sector.