BCS Non-Cadres stage demo at Shahbagh


Staff Reporter :About 200 34th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Non-Cadres on Saturday staged a demonstration at Shahbagh intersection demanding filling up the 672 vacant posts from those who passed the 34th BCS examination.They also demanded maintenance of proper list in appointing the non-cadres.They started the agitation at about 11am underthe banner of BCS Non-Cadres Forum. They also put barricade on the intersection causing serious traffic jam. Shahbagh Police requested them to leave the spot but the agitators refused. Consequently, the police charged baton to disperse the agitators. A non-cadre wishing anonymity told The New Nation that the non-cadres had been demanding their appointment. But the government is yet to initiate any step to meet our demand. Officer-in-Charge of Shahbagh Police Station Abu Bakar Siddique said that the police did not harass any of them. The police just tried to make the traffic movement undisturbed.
