BCL, Shibir men occupy halls Students deprived of residential facilities at CU


Mohammad Juel, CU :

The general students of Chittagong University have been deprived of residential facilities for the last three decades as the dormitories were dominated by the Islami Chhatra Shibir and are now being reoccupied by the Chhatra League, student front of ruling Awami League.
The activists of Chhatra Shibir have to leave the dormitories after the now government led by Sheikh Hasina, came to the power for the second time on January 5.
After the killing of Shibir leader Mamun Hosain in a clash with BSL in January last year, the administration sealed the ‘Shah Amanat Hall’ and put the shibir men and the general students out from the dormitory.
Following the incident, Shibir men and the BSL activists again locked in a clash over a trifling matter while Souhrawardi Hall was also sealed as the shibir person blasted cocktails and the authority recovered a huge quantity of petrol bombs from the dormitory.
Meanwhile, the activists of Student League reoccupied the Sourawardi, Shah Amanat Hall, replacing the Shibir men.
Earlier Chhatra League also occupied the Shah Jalal Hall, in assistance with the law enforcing agency.
The factions of Chhatra League are now trying to prevail their supremacy at the halls, following to the rumor, broken out across the campus that the hall committee of BSL is going to be announced soon.
Meanwhile, some rooms of Alaol and A F Rahman, the smallest halls were allegedly vandalized by the activists of Chhatra League and were occupied though the halls were resided by most of the general students.
Apart from this, Shibir men are now dominating one hall. As the whole dormitories are now lifted one from another, the general students are now apprehended on taking the hall seat.
H M Fazle Rabbi Sujon, General Secretary of BSL of CU unit told this correspondent that the fundamentalists have no right to stay in the campus adding that students allowed to stay in the halls must stay in their respective seats and Chhatra League will assist them to stay in the dormitories.
However, he acknowledged that the general students are not eager to take the seat at Shah Jalal and Shah Amant hall adding that he and his president have already met with vice-chancellor, proctor and concerned authorities to take action for granting seat to the students.
Proctor Ali Azgor Chowdhury said, the outsiders are not allowed to stay in the halls and added that the allowed students’ appearance would be ensured.
