BCC panel mayor suspended as police submitted chargesheet

Barisal Correspondent :
K M Shahidullah, 49, Vice-President of Swechchasebok Dal, Vice-President of Barisal City BNP, panel-mayor and three-time elected councilor of Barisal City Corporation has been suspended by order of the Local Government Ministry on Sunday noon.
Asma Begum, Acting Administrative Officer of BCC, acknowledging the facts, said the suspension letter signed by Khalil Ahmed, deputy secretary of the ministry on August 23 reached at BCC on Sunday noon.
In the letter it was narrated that that K M Shahidullahilor, Councilor of ward-12 of BCC, would be under suspension as per section 12(1) of city corporation act 2009 as charge sheet against him submitted by police recently.
Mentionable a team of RAB-8 and police searching house of K M Shahidullah recovered a pistol with three rounds of ammunitions on January 16, 2016 from his home Chhobi-Neer at Medical College Lane of the city.