BCB to follow Tokyo Olympic guideline


BSS, Dhaka :
The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) medical department said, they are following Managed Event Environment (MEE) instead of bio-bubble to hold the upcoming Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) successfully amid the rise of new variant of the coronavirus.
The MEE was introduced first in the Tokyo Olympic last year and it was a huge success that inspired BCB to put it in the place for BPL.
“The guideline that we are following is in the light of Tokyo Olympic. We are trying to implement the guidelines of Tokyo Olympic, keeping the perspective of Bangladesh in mind,” said BCB chief physician Debashish Chowdhury.
“In the past we were used to the word-bio-bubble but the world now kept them away from the bio-bubble. Now it is said as Managed Event Environment (MEE), which was introduced in Tokyo Olympic first to assist athletes and keep them mentally fresh. The MEE is made by relaxing the rules of bio- bubble.”
