BBF to spread local products nationwide

Kamruzzaman Bablu :
Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF) will spread its activities across the country in the coming days for frequent branding of the country’s local products.
Although BBF is capital based, its future activities will cover all the eight regions of the country, BBF Managing Director Shariful Islam said.
BBF is an initiative, working with the vision of Transforming Bangladesh through applying branding ethos among local corporates.
The managing director disclosed their strategic plan at a programme organized on the occasion of its 10th anniversary in Dhaka.
The BBF, at the event, launched its first ever calendar in the capital city recently.
Responding to a query on Bangladesh Youth Fest, an initiative of BBF to act as bridges between the academic and corporate worlds, Shariful said, youths only based in Dhaka were the participants as of now.
“But the upcoming youth fest will be held with participants from all the regions,” he said. In the first stage, a competition will be held regionally and then a grand finale would take place in Dhaka.
“Through the initiative, we could get products from more brands at the regional level that would make the country’s economy more vibrant,” the BBF managing director said.
Praising the role of BBF during the last 10 years, the French ambassador said, promotion and protection of intellectual property by BBF during the last decade is required in a frequent manner to uphold the country’s economy.
The programme also hosted a photo exhibition.
Speaking as a special guest, noted painter Kanak Chanpa Chakma appreciated the new concepts being drawn by the BBF director.