BBC regrets publishing story without Joy’s comments

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The BBC has regretted publishing a report on prime minister’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy meeting an Israeli right-wing politician without obtaining his comments.
On May 28, the BBC Bangla ran an interview of Israel’s Likud Party member Mendi N Safadi, where he claimed to have met Joy in Washington. In a statement on Wednesday, the BBC said that it ‘obviously’ wanted to speak with Joy and tried to contact him ‘repeatedly through numerous channels’ but failed to reach him.
BBC Global News Corporate Communications Manager Paul Rasmussen said in the
statement that they carried the story of Joy denying the claim on his Facebook page on May 30 as well when the Awami League issued a rejoinder. “With hindsight, we regret publishing the story before obtaining comments from Mr Wazed, as this is how the BBC would normally treat such claims. “In light of this, we will strengthen our editorial processes,” reads the statement. Newly promoted BNP Joint Secretary General Aslam Chowdhury was arrested recently and charged with treason after his meeting with Safadi during an event in New Delhi this year.