BB employees stage demo against Dy Governor’s misbehaviour

Staff Reporter :
Employees of the Bangladesh Bank (BB) have staged a demonstration against Deputy Governor Ahmed Jamal for misbehaving with them.
Over two hundred employees of the central bank demonstrated for an hour in the head office’s courtyard at Motijheel around 9.30am on Wednesday.
The protest was organized by Bangladesh Bank Officers’ Welfare Council, Dhaka and Bangladesh Bank Officers Association, Dhaka.
Bangladesh Bank Officers Association President Mohammad Hossain said, “We went to meet him with some of our demands, but he behaved rudely with us, for which we are protesting against him.”
The employees also submitted a memorandum to the Bangladesh Bank Governor Fazle Kabir against Ahmed Jamal on Tuesday.
The protestors demanded DG Ahmed Jamal’s resignation from his duties with the human resources management department of the central bank.