BB adviser Allah Malik Kazemi dies from Covid-19

Business Desk :
Allah Malik Kazemi, change management adviser of the Bangladesh Bank, died from Covid-19 on Friday. He was undergoing treatment at the capital’s Evercare Hospital.
“Allah Malik Kazemi was admitted to the hospital with heart disease, but was later tested positive with novel coronavirus,” Abul Kalam Azad, general manager of the department of communications and publications of Bangladesh Bank said.
He had been undergoing treatment at the hospital for several days. He was placed on life support after his health condition deteriorated.
Family sources of Allah Malik Kazemi said that he breathed his last today at 5:06pm and that he had other physical complications.
Meanwhile, the death of Allah Malik Kazmi has cast a shadow of mourning over the central bank. Governor Fazle Kabir has expressed profound grief over his death.
Earlier, a joint director of Bangladesh Bank died of Covid-9.
Bangladesh today reported 40 more deaths from the novel coronavirus and 3,868 new cases of infection testing 18,498 samples in the last 24 hours.
With this, the death toll from the deadly virus rose to 1,661 and the number of total infections stood at 130,474.