BAUTA protests new pay-scale, observes work abstention

Mahdi Hasan, BAU :
Teachers of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) on Sunday observed a three-hour work abstention and collected signatures as part of their protest against the proposed 8th pay scale. They demanded a separate pay scale for the university teachers immediately.
Terming the proposed pay scale as discriminatory for the university teachers, BAU Teachers Association (BAUTA), has been observing several protest programme demanding to reform it since its announcement.
Teachers, under the banner of BAUTA, demonstrated a sit-in in front of administration building of the university from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
Mentioning the new pay scale disparaging for the university teachers, BAUTA president Prof Dr Khandoker Shariful Islam said, postponement of timescale and selection grade has rather brought down salary of university teachers as well as that of many other government officials of the country which is not acceptable in any way.
The teachers also declared to observe whole day work abstention on today (Monday).