BAU students protest semester fee hike


BAU Correspondent :
The students under the session 2012-13 of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) protested for 2nd consecutive day demanding the exclusion of the semester fee introduced for the students under that session. They also issued a 48 hours ultimatum to press home their demand.
Sources said, boycotting their classes and examination on Monday over 700 hundred students started to gather at the base of Bijoy’71. Later they staged a sit in on the road in front of Vice Chancellor’s residence.
The students brought out an agitation march, paraded the main roads and the faculties on the campus. After finishing the march at Bijoy’71, the students held a short rally there.
In the rally, the students said, “We called on VC at his residence on Sunday evening. As he refused to compromise with us, we have issued a 48 hours ultimatum.”
“If Vice-Chancellor would not take any steps within Tuesday we will go for tougher action”, the students warned.
