Barisha Haque rejoices the achievement


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Barisha Haque is an anchor, dancer, model and actress at a time. Round the year she has to engage with anchoring in various shows. Barisha enjoys anchoring a lot. For this reason, it is seen that she has to take part in more than one or two shows in a day. Despite having engagement with works, Barisha gave good news for her fans. Yesterday morning her Facebook page titled Barisha Haque got verified. This page was opened six months ago. She is very much cheered for verifying her Facebook page because she applied it only for six months ago.
While talking in this regard Barisha Haque said, “Only six months ago, my Facebook page was opened where update information about my professional activities took place. Few days ago, I applied for its verification. I didn’t give any extra something in this regard. I am very much delighted for verifying my page after sending its application. The persons who want to work with me professionally they can contact with me through this page. They have to also talk with my manager in this regard.”
Barisha Haque also said that she has to travel in 64 districts for promotional activities on behalf of a multinational company’s products. She has already visited six districts including on International Women’s Day she visited Feni. According to her, it is a big project. She has already performed as model of Hatil. She will also perform as model in several numbers of TVCs of same company. While talking about her professional works Barisha Haque said, “Now it is the time for stage show. So, I have to remain busy with stage shows. I have to take part in two shows in a day. In fact, problem is that I reach the spot timely but others do not maintain time properly. If everybody maintains time properly, the programme will be arranged nicely. There is a wrong conception among the artists. They should come out from it.”
Mon Pagol was Barisha Haque acted her first drama. Later, she also acted in drama Hasir Patri. She has interest to work in commercial movies.
