Barisal bidi labourers stand for the industry


Business Desk :
Leaders of Bangladesh Bidi Labourer Federation on Tuesday protested the decision of extra taxation on bidi to shut down the industry.
Labourers organised a regional rally in front of Ashwini Kumar twon hall in Barisal.
Federation General Secretary MK Bangalee, Joint Secretary General Abdur Rahman, Organising Secretary Herik Hossain, Lokman Hakim, Habibur Rahman, members Abul Hasnat Lablu and Shameem Hossain, Habibur Rahman. Karigor Bidi Union President Pranab Devnath presided over the meeting.
Addressing the rally, MK Bangalee said, Bidi industry is a local industry where millions of poor people are working. All the profit made from the industry remains inside the country. However, the British American Tobacco laundered huge amount of money abroad.
