Banking hours return to normal from tomorrow

Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh Bank has asked banks to shift back to normal transaction hours from 10am to 4pm from Sunday after two months of transactions for limited hours due to the coronavirus outbreak.
The banks in moderate- and high-risk zones will continue conducting transactions for limited hours – from 10am to 2:30pm, the central bank said in an order on Thursday.
Guidance on social distancing and other health safety rules will continue to remain in effect. The banks will have to report efforts to ensure the rules.
Bangladesh Bank said vulnerable people, sick staffers and pregnant women must not go to the banks.
The banks will need to transport executives if necessary as some restrictions on transport services will stay after resumption of public transit on May 31.
The branches and booths in seaport, landport and airport areas will remain open 24 hours by coordinating with port and customs authorities.
