Bank Asia and Swisscontact- an International NGO, signed a Partnership Agreement in the city on Thursday to promote financial inclusion for Ready-Made Garments workers of Bangladesh through Agent Banking channel of the Bank. Adil Raihan, Head of Channel Baking Division of the Bank and Jaheed Parvez, Team Leader, Sarathi project of Swisscontact signed the agreement on their respective organisations’ behalf.

Bank Asia and Swisscontact- an International NGO, signed a Partnership Agreement in the city on Thursday to promote financial inclusion for Ready-Made Garments workers of Bangladesh through Agent Banking channel of the Bank. Adil Raihan, Head of Channel B
Bank Asia and Swisscontact- an International NGO, signed a Partnership Agreement in the city on Thursday to promote financial inclusion for Ready-Made Garments workers of Bangladesh through Agent Banking channel of the Bank. Adil Raihan, Head of Channel B

