Banglalink observes Int’l Coastal Clean-up Day

Business Report :
Banglalink, a mobile phone operator in the country, celebrated the ‘International Coastal Clean-up Day 2015’ in Cox’s Bazar sea beach on Saturday, says a press release. The day gets celebrated on the September 19 every year through various activities in more than 90 countries.
On this day, people from various corners come together to remove trash and debris from different beaches and waterways around the world and generate awareness about the many activities that cause beach pollution.
The event began with a rally being carried out by volunteers, who then moved on to cleaning the beach.
The International Coastal Clean-up Day is the oldest voluntary event in the world and it generates huge awareness among mass. For the last few years Banglalink has been observing the day in association with the organizers of the event “Kewkradong Bangladesh”. Banglalink has been part of this voluntary program to create awareness among youth, the localities to keep the world’s longest unbroken beach clean. Also Banglalink aims to promote the tourism platform.
The event in Cox’s Bazar included a rally, beach cleaning and awareness generation among the tourists. Many people turned up during the event from all over the country. Participants included school and college students as well.  
All participants were engaged to remove trash and debris from different points of the beach. It generates awareness to change the behaviors that cause pollution.
Soumen Mitra, Regional Director- Chittagong and Sylhet, Banglalink said, “We at Banglalink have been dedicated in the conservation efforts of our oceans and the International Coastal Clean-up Day for ten years. Through our commitment to this cause, we hope to bring awareness among the mass people to take up such conservation efforts around the year, as we do at the Cox’s Bazar beach.”