Banglalink committed to nationwide 4G network rollout with double digit growth


Business Desk :
According to Erik Aas, CEO of Banglalink, the company is committed to building a nationwide 4G network and will continue to develop its digital operator portfolio maintaining double-digit growth in upcoming years.
He made the announcement at Veon’s Investor Day event organized by Banglalink’s parent company Veon, according to a press release.
KaanTerzioglu, group CEO, Veon and other CEOs of operating companies owned by Veon also joined the event, which was held in the presence of investors and analysts from different regions of the world.
Banglalink established an essential capex commitment for the upcoming two to three years, and this will ensure its nationwide competitive 4G coverage.
With spectrum advantage in all areas, Banglalink will be able to provide quality data products ensuring the best customer values.
Banglalink’s revenue market share is also expected to converge towards its spectrum market share of 25%.
Banglalink’s performance in the digital service segment has been remarkable in recent years as well. Its most prominent digital service is Toffee, which covers the whole video streaming area and has remained as the top entertainment app in Bangladesh for 83 consecutive weeks.
