Bangabandhu’s life, ideals highlighted at Canberra festival


The life and ideals of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were highlighted at the National Multicultural Festival in Canberra on Saturday at the initiative of Bangladesh High Commission.
The main attractions of the festival were a stall on Bangabandhu and Bangladesh and a dance performance on the Father of the Nation, said a press release of Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra, Australia.
Ahead of the birth centenary of Bangabandhu, the high commission arranged a Bangladesh related stall and cultural performance in this largest festival to celebrate cultural diversity in Australia, it added.
The high commission’s stall offered a glimpse of the life and works of Bangabandhu to the visitors through banners, documents, posters, books, photographs and video contents.
It was the second participation of the high commission at the prestigious festival.
The high commission’s vibrant and substantive participation in the festival ushered in the auspicious celebration of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation planned through a series of events in Australia throughout the “Mujib Borsho”.
