Court Correspondent :A court of Dhaka on Wednesday rejected the bail petitions of five BNP leaders, including BNP Standing Committee members, MK Anwar and Barrister Moudud Ahmed in three cases filed with Motijheel Police Station in the capital. Other leaders are: BNP Standing Committee Member Barrister Rafiqul Islam Mia and BNP Chairperson’s Adviser and also the Vice-Chairman of Bangladesh Bar Council Khandker Mahbub Hossain and the Chairperson’s Special Assistant Advocate Shamsur Rahman Shimul Biswas.Dhaka’s Metropolitan Session Judge Md Jahurul Haque passed the order after a lengthy hearing. MK Anwar, Moudud, Rafiqul Islam Mia and Shimul Biswas were shown arrested in two cases filed with Motijheel Police Station on charges of vandalism, torching of vehicles and attacking cops when they were performing their duties on May 6.On November 8 last year, plainclothes police arrested Moudud Ahmed, MK Anwar and Rafiqul Islam Miah from Karwan Bazar area of the city, when they came out of Sonargaon Hotel.The following day, Shimul Biswas was arrested in front of BNP Chairperson’s Gulshan residence in the city.Meanwhile, BNP leader Khandker Mahbub was shown arrested in a case filed with Ramna Police Station under the Explosive Substances Act filed on January 5.On January 4, a day before the last general election, miscreants hurled 10-12 crude bombs targeting the office of Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (Ramna Division), Maruf Hossain and the next day police filed the case under the Explosive Substances Act.On January 7, plainclothes police arrested Khandker Mahbub as soon as he came out of the Jatiya Press Club after attending a discussion meeting on the January 5 parliamentary polls.