Bach to get 225,000 euros a year under ‘transparency’ deal


AFP, Lausanne :

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach will get 225,000 euros a year to cover costs, the IOC said Thursday as it revealed details of payments to top officials for the first time.
The IOC called on other sporting federations to reveal payments to their leaders in a move that could put pressure on organisations such as football’s governing body FIFA.
The ethics commission of the hugely wealthy Olympic body said in a statement it was making public details of proposed payments to its approximately 115 members “with a view to ensuring total transparency.”
The 14 executive board members, including the IOC’s four vice-presidents, will get $900 (830 euros) a day when they are meeting and travelling on official business.
Other IOC members will get meeting and travel allowances of $450 a day.
All IOC members will get an annual payment of $7,000 (6,470 euros). Their travel and accommodation costs are already paid by the IOC.
The IOC’s German president, however, is considered to be on duty all year round.
“The president will receive neither the fixed annual support nor the daily indemnity,” said the ethics commission.
“Instead of this, to cover some of the president’s personal costs related to the execution of his function, the ethics commission is fixing a single annual fixed amount linked to inflation of 225,000 euros ($243,800) as indemnity.”
The IOC said it was the first time a major sporting federation has released details of payments to its leaders. IOC members are volunteers and keep outside jobs if they have them.
