Ayub Khan or Ershad could not be removed through election : Barrister Mainul

Staff Reporter :
In continuation of yesterday’s narrative published under the heading “Observations of government made the judgement controversial” picked up from a talk show of Barrister Mainul Hosein at SA TV late Thursday night we produce its full summary below:
 Barrister Hosein in answer to a question from the audience was critical of indiscriminate arrest as many innocent ones also become easy victims. It is wrong to make innocent people suffer. It is also possible that many earning members of families were also taken into custody. He said a people’s government cannot forget its responsibility to protect the rights of individuals.
He said nobody is above law is true under the rule of law and the rule of law is missing in our party politics. There has to be independence for the judiciary and the prosecution. That is not the situation in our country. The prosecution lawyers are appointed according to party loyalty. Besides, a corruption case is not a private case between two individuals. The government cannot celebrate victory for conviction of a political opponent in a case. The present conviction is not final and what would the ministers say if Begum Khaleda Zia was found innocent in appeal was not a consideration.
Barrister Hosein said that the people like us want that all should be able to live together in peace and safely. He clarified that he was not taking part in the talk show either to support or oppose any political party. He was anxious to see that politics of tolerance to be practiced. But he is sad to see the absence of intention in our party politics to practice democracy. The government is too much under the influence of leftist politics where there is no place for free election and rule of law.
In answer to another question about the consequences of Begum Khaleda Zia’s conviction on the
coming general election, he said she can’t be barred from election while her appeal is pending. He apprehended dangerous conflicts might arise centring the election. He also apprehended that under a sitting government no election can take place to transfer power. By way of example Barrister Hosein said neither Ayub Khan nor General Ershad could be removed from power through elections. Their power base was not popular support. When the army withdrew support they disappeared suddenly.
Barrister Mainul categorically denied the allegation that the two trust cases against Begum Khaleda Zia were initiated during his time in the caretaker government. Again he asserted that during the last caretaker government the Anti-Corruption Commission functioned completely independently without interference from the Advisers. But now every government institution is under political influence.
Barrister Hosein finally wanted the government to think of public response if it has to give up power.
Barrister Mahbub Uddin Khokan argued strongly that his leader Begum Khaleda Zia who was prime minister for three times and the wife of a prominent freedom fighter was a victim of political enmity; she did not get justice.
It was a case involving a private trust and no public money was involved. The court did not hold her guilty of stealing money. All the money is in bank and not being misused. Barrister Khokon was assertive giving instances of boundless corruption with public money that under this government is going unpunished.
The other participant was Mohibul Ahsan Chowdhury Noyfel who vociferously defended the government position in a typical way.
Riyad Ahsan moderated the event.