Awami Homoeo Forum launches mass contact

Chattogram Bureau :
The leaders and members of the Awami Homoeo Forum , Chattogram launched mass contact program in favour of Mohajote Nominee for Chattogram-9 Constituency Barrister Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel in different areas of Kotwali thana in city on Thursday. During election campaign, the Forum leaders apprised the voters about the recent and on going development activities of the Sheikh Hasina govt. They requested the voters in the area to caste vote for Barrister Nowfel to strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for completion of unfinished mega projects of the country including Padma bridge. The said December is the month of victory, so Boat symbol will win in the national polls to be held on Sunday next. Among others, Principal Dr. Jaharlal Bhattachariya,Dr.l Ismail chowdhury, MA Fazal , Ahmed Karim, Md. Nursafa were present amont others in the mass contact program.