Avoiding hunger pangs after workout

Weekend Plus Desk :
Exercising not just does miracles to our body, but also helps us to live a long life. Just 21 minutes of exercise a day can increase your lifespan by three years.
The workout can be in the form of walking or even doing a chore. But a rigorous workout session can often leave you kicking around the kitchen, trying to fight off an insatiable hunger and if you are planning to shed some weight, binge-eating is the last thing you want to do. So what should everyone do to control their hunger after a satisfying workout? According to News.com.au, here are some tips that would help you to stop from undoing all your hard work:
Keep yourself hydrated: Our body commonly mistakes thirst for hunger. So, if people are not careful about that, it would leave them thinking that you need to eat more. It is really important to hydrate yourself before, during and after a workout, to avoid misdiagnosed hunger.
Be mindful of duration: The length of your workout also can affect how hungry you get, as the body can perceive a long workout as a famine, making you really hungry. To prevent overeating, plan your post-workout meal or snack before working up a sweat.
Be wary of weights and water: Weightlifting and water sports can be real hunger-driving culprits. This is because pumping iron causes micro tears in the muscle. As they repair, your muscles grow bigger and stronger. So, the more muscle you have, the hungrier you get.
As for water sports, like swimming and water polo, they are extra hunger-inducing because the temperature of the water cools down your body.
Being immersed in water also causes you to use every muscle in your body, so you tend to deplete energy stores quicker. n