Austrian President for further bolstering of trade with BD

BSS, Dhaka :
President of Austria Dr. Heinz Fischer has underlined the need for working together for further bolstering trade between Bangladesh and Austria.
He expressed this view when the first resident Ambassador of Bangladesh to Austria
Mohammed Abu Zafar presented his credentials to the Austrian President Wednesday at historical Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria.
Zafar, while presenting his credentials, also extended to the Austrian President warmest greetings and best wishes from the President of Bangladesh, according to a message received here today.
Welcoming the first resident Ambassador of Bangladesh, President Dr. Fischer conveyed his warmest greetings to the President of Bangladesh.
He also expressed great happiness at the existing bilateral relations between Austria and Bangladesh as well as opening of Bangladesh’s resident Mission in Vienna.
He assured the Bangladesh Envoy of his full cooperation and wished a very successful tenure in Austria.
The newly appointed Ambassador referred to the support extended by political leaders and people of Austria during Bangladesh’s War of Liberation in 1971.
He also informed the President that Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman regarded former Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky as a great friend of Bangladesh, who was honoured with Friends of Liberation War Honour Award in 2012.
He also expressed his optimism for further growth of bilateral trade and more engagement in the cultural field between Bangladesh and Austria.
Ambassador Zafar was accompanied by First Secretary Shabab Bin Ahmed, the message added.