Attack on Justice Chy Daughter blames BNP-Jamaat

block :BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and her son Tarique Rahman ‘ordered the attack’ on Justice AHM Shamsuddin Choudhury in London last week, his daughter Nadia Choudhury has alleged.Justice Choudhury, on a personal visit to the UK, was assaulted on London streets on Oct 21 by unidentified assailants, who apparently tried to abduct him.It was the second time the Supreme Court judge, who retired recently, came under attack in London in three years. “…These cowards are Khaleda and Tarique, arguably under whose instructions the attack on my father took place,” Nadia said in a prepared speech at a media conference in east London.Justice Choudhury was not present at Monday’s event.Nadia, who was with her father during the Bethnal Green assault, later wrote on Facebook that she suspected ‘BNP activists’ for the incident, which was similar to the 2012 attack. The BNP and its ally Jamaat-e-Islami had “resorted to killing foreigners and bloggers” in a “desperate bid” to discredit the government, she said on Monday.”They are desperately trying to make the world believe that ISIS exists in Bangladesh, though, in fact, it is the BNP-Jamaat alliance which is responsible for these terrorising acts… They have been doing the same in the streets of London,” barrister Nadia alleged.Justice Choudhury was assaulted while leaving the York Hall but no one came to his aid despite shouting for help. The attackers snatched his mobile phone as he hit the ground. “I don’t know where my father would be today had I not been with him that day,” Nadia said.In 2012, he was assaulted near his London home by Bengali youths, who, Nadia said, had been “found to be from the BNP”.Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu faced a similar attack in 2013 in London. In an interview with a local Bengali television channel, Justice Choudhury said last week’s assault was the “work of BNP-Jamaat”.”These sadistic inhuman creatures not only beat their targets or anyone who seem to be a threat to the BNP or speak out the truth, but are psychologically sick enough to record these beatings just like the killers of [Samiul Alam] Rajan,” Nadia said.She shed light on her father’s career to explain her suspicion of the BNP-Jamaat involvement.Justice Choudhury had described BNP founder Ziaur Rahman as a ‘cold-blooded murderer’ in the verdict of the Col Taher murder trial. He had protested in front the British prime minister’s house during the Liberation War and distributed leaflets in London with his wife to raise awareness about Pakistani brutality.He worked tirelessly as the deputy attorney general to bring Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s killers to face justice. “…These attacks only prove BNP-Jamaat’s cowardice, which makes us more determined to free Bangladesh of such terrorising, extremist, militant and communal forces,” she said.
