Atiur attends AFI meeting in Switzerland


Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman attended the Alliance for Financial Alliance (AFI) Standing Committee Meeting at Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel of Switzerland on Monday.
The meeting had important decisions related to upcoming Global Policy Forum (GPF) on Financial Inclusion to be held in Mopputo of Mozambique in September this year. The theme of this year’s GPF is SME Financing. The AFI is a network of financial inclusion policymakers.
Dr. Rahman elaborated on creative intervention of the BB for enhanced SME financing, particularly for the unbanked women entrepreneurs, a BB press release said here today (Tuesday).
The Committee also passed new financing arrangement of AFI.
Tanzanian Governor Professor Benno Ndudu, another member of the Standing Committee and Alfred Hanning, Executive Director of the AFI also attended at the meeting.
Deputy governors of central banks of Ghana and Brazil also participated in the meeting while other members joined the meeting through video conference.
Dr. Rahman also attended another meeting with Swiss Export Credit Agency (SERV) in Zurich and discussed the possibility of SERV covered export credit for Bangladesh textile, pharmaceuticals and high-tech industries.
