Atish Dipankar Research Council announced on Saturday Atish Dipankar Gold Medal, 2016 in a meeting held in the city. On the occasion of observation 31 (Thirty One) years of the Council, 12 celebrated personalities will be given the award. The personalities who will be awarded this year are Prof. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury-VC of World University, Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam Khan VC of Atish Dipankar Science And Technology University, and Dr. Md. Abdul Mazid–Former chairman of NBR in Social Development, Md. Hafizur Rahman Munshi Tipu Chief Engineer-Public Works Directorate in National Infrastructural Development, Journalist Amar Shaha (Kolkata Corresponded of Prothom Alo) in journalism, Advocate SM Rezaul Karim-Chairman, Finance Committee, Bangladesh Bar Council in Journalism, valiant freedom fighter Sree Amulla Mohon Sarkar in Bangladesh Freedom Movement, Al-Haj Md Nazimuddin and Wahidul Hasan Milton in Social Services, Sultana Razia Reznu Khan and Jesmin Akter in literature and Abdul Mannan in Research. The awards will be given very soon.

Atish Dipankar Research Council announced on Saturday Atish Dipankar Gold Medal, 2016 in a meeting held in the city. On the occasion of observation 31 (Thirty One) years of the Council, 12 celebrated personalities will be given the award. The personalitie
Atish Dipankar Research Council announced on Saturday Atish Dipankar Gold Medal, 2016 in a meeting held in the city. On the occasion of observation 31 (Thirty One) years of the Council, 12 celebrated personalities will be given the award. The personalitie