Aries (21 March-20 April): Communication related to job will bring good result. Those in adventerous works will add a new feather to their crown. Fate will show some awful (negative) sides on 15th of this but awsome (positive) sides on 17th, 18th . Avoid high speedy transports to avoid accident. Fate will laugh on Tuesday.

Taurus (21 April-21 May): Investment in land will bring good result. Your son will add to your anxiety. Control your anger- “If you are angry, you are defeated.” You will gain reputation in professional work. Lucky day will be Wednesday.

Gemini (22 May- 21 June): This week will begin with a basket of good news. Those who are trying to go abroad will see ray of hope. Love might be disrupted-marraige might be broken. Some will win a legal battle. Friday will be a gala day.

Cancer (22 June- 22 July): Connection related to marriage will show good result. 15th, 16th of this month will gift you a basket of good news. You are likely to get a cheque, money order. Politicians will see good days. Fate will laugh on Monday.

Leo (23 July-23 August): Conjugal life will be full of happiness. Expenditure might be inereased. Some unempoyed persons will get work. Love-romance-tour-investment-all are to produce good result. Lucky day will be Sunday.  

Virgo (24 August- 23 September): Familial relation including conjugal relation will be good. In the first part of the week success will knock at the door but at the end of the week, any sad news might make you upset. Try to avoid legal suit. Thursday will be a gala day.


Libra (24 September- 22 October): Try to control your little but the worst enemy ‘the tongue.’ ‘Try to be a saver-Saturn is ready just to suck’ your money. Success in creative and research work is likely. Try to avoid confliet with collegues. Sportsmen will get reputation Fate will laugh on Wednesday.
Scorpio (23 October- 21 November): Attempt to go abroad will see light. Be careful-enemics will try to spoil your ‘land full of paddy.’ Moon’s position will be helpful in uniting ‘Romeo and Juliets.’ Some will see new faces in their families. Lucky day will be Tuesday.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December): Try to be careful in using transport and machinaries. You might need to go to hospital with your sick aged family member. You might be able to realise your dues. Your enemies are ready to ‘burn the fire of unhappiness’ in your familly- be careful. Thursday will be a gala day.

Capricorn (22 December- 20 January): The week will begin with good news in your family. Any aged guardian will help you in setling problem with your brothers. Your mother’s health will be your headache. Evaluate the decision of your life partner Your fate will laugh on Saturday.

Aquarius (20 January- 18 February): Problem in love and romance but discussion of marriage will be advanced. Your boss will praise you. Business tour is likely to give negative results. Old conflict with your brothers will be solved. Lucky day will be Wednesday.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): Communication related to job will give good result. You will be able to finish unfinished jobs. Any VIP will help you. The work you touch will produce good result. Sunday will be a gala day. n

-Mondal Prodip Kumar
