Aries (21 March-20 April): 2016 will be a milestone in your life. Try to be careful of accidents causing blood emission. You will be able to stick to your onward march in life-all evil plans of your enemy circles will be foiled. Success in romantic field is likely-Unmmaried couples will leap in to marrige world.

Taurus (21 April-21 May): So far as fate is concerned-2016 will be a mixed one. Those who are trying to go abroad will be careful. You might be involved in a love affair which is not socially acceptable. So try to be careful. In conjugal life patience and prudunce are needed. Patients of piles will see a feat of attack.
Gemini (22 May- 21 June): Good things, good news, good sides will get the upperhand. Competitive exams will bring good results-you might get any important national award. Unmarried bacheors will lose the membership of ‘Bacheoris club’ and enter ‘Married club.’
Cancer (22 June- 22 July): 2016 will be an important year in your life. Jupiter will help you-new avenues of earning will be opened.
Unemployed persons will get jobs-service holders will get promotion. Patients of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases should be careful of health.
Leo (23 July-23 August): 2016 will bring new sun in your sky of fate. Your father’s health will be good throughout the year but mother’s health will be a matter of your headache. While on tours, try to be careful-you might fall a victim to cheating.
Virgo (24 August- 23 September): 2016 will be neither a good nor a bad year in your life. Try to be a saver, not only an earner.
Your sons and daugters excepting the youngest one will bring good news for you. Patients of asthma should be careful. Some will undergo minor surgery.

Libra (24 September- 22 October): A new sun will be up in your fate in 2016. You will get all out help of your brothers and sisters. Attempt to go abroad will give positive results. You might lose your near and dear ones this year. You migth undergo a minor surgery.


Scorpio (23 October- 21 November): So far as fate is concerned, 2016 will be a mixed one. Financial side is good. Expecting mothers will be more careful. Saturn will at first create difficulty in marrige but in the long run, success will come.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December): The year 2016 will come with many new gifts. Businessmen will see good days-quarrel with partners will be solved.
Patients of diabetes, kidney, harnia, depression will see feat of attack throughout the year. Good year for politicians.

Capricorn (22 December- 20 January): Fate will come with mixed results in 2016. Contrasting positions of Jupiter and Saturn will make you face financial difficulties.
Persons in defence and police department will see favourable days. Good year for Journalists.

Aquarius (20 January- 18 February): Overall 2016 will be a happy year for you. Some will see more than expected marriage prospets. Don’t neglect any disease. For students, this will be an important year in their life.
Patients of paralysis, thyroid problems, hyper and hypotenssion should be careful all the year round.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): Fate will come with mixed results this year. Those trying to go abroad should be more careful-you might be cheated. Enemy sides will be powerful.
Relations with your brothers and sisters will be good. Unmarried persons will be careful in taking sudden decision of marriage.
-Mondal Prodip Kumar
