Victim wants justice: Assaulted teacher of Ideal School suspended

Staff Reporter :
The teacher of Ideal School and College, who was allegedly assaulted by his colleagues, has been suspended from academic activities.
The Governing Body of the institution took the decision on Saturday in an emergency meeting.
The assistant teacher Mallik Amirul Islam is now undergoing treatment at Holy Family Hospital and College.
Mallik Amirul Islam told The New Nation on Sunday that the authorities of the institution sent a suspension letter at his residence, but his wife did not receive that. “I want justice, otherwise nothing.”
Principal of the Ideal School and College Sahanara Begum told this correspondent that the authorities suspended him from all the academic activities. “The Governing Body will take further decision about him,” the Principal said.
Mallik Amirul Islam submitted a letter to the chairman of the Ideal School and College and Additional Secretary to the Education Ministry Mollah Jalaluddin seeking justice.
Meanwhile, School and College Ovibhabok Forum (ISCOF) demanded to form a probe committee over the incident for ensuring justice. The leaders of the ISCOF also urged to bring the good academic atmosphere in the school.
The leaders of ISCOF went to Holy Family Hospital and College to visit the assaulted teacher led by its President Ziaul Kabir Dulu and General Secretary Md Selim Uddin on Sunday.