Commentary: Assad kills people so the fight against Assad has to be against his life

Editorial Desk :
More than 50,000 terrified Syrians fled from besieged eastern Aleppo over the past week as the brutal army of President Bashar al-Assad is waging the final offensive to take the city section from rebels’ hands.
It appears that Bashar al-Assad has turned the fight for Aleppo as a fight for winning the land while rebels are fighting for their right to life and human liberty.
Assad does not bother how many thousands of people are perished he wants the land of Syria and found Russia to help him to annihilate the Syrian people. It is a fight now between barbarism and the aspiration of Syrian people to live in human dignity without Bashar al-Assad in power.
He is butchering his people when there is no one to come to their rescue. The UN Security Council on Thursday issued a call again for an end to the latest offensive but it is helpless to Russian bullies. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday said again they would continue military operations in the besieged eastern Aleppo until the city is cleared of terrorists — meaning the rebel resistance.
Lavrov also said Russia will continue to allow humanitarian
aid to the besieged people but the reality is that Assad forces with Russian help are blocking arrival of such aid to force people to leave the city or die in starvation. Starvation is being used as yet another weapon in this war.
War monitors say nearly 300 civilians, including 33 children, have been killed in east Aleppo since the latest government assault began on November 15. Another 48 have been killed in government-held West Aleppo. The number of death is growing by hours.
As new offensive continues civilians have been leaving the rebel-held east with parents carrying children and the young pushing the old in wheelchairs and makeshift carts.
Enemies of Islam have been able to turn Shi’ites against Sunnis in Arab land to fight against each other while Russia is fortifying its presence in the Middle East. The West is no longer a viable force in the war where Russia now determines the terms of the war and the possible price for any peace.
Turkey, which backs the rebels fighting to oust President Assad, now seeks to broker a ceasefire with Russian, which is fighting to keep Assad in power. It shows the paradox while the West remains stuck without a clear strategy in the ground.
The exodus of thousands of people shows some are taking shelter in Kurdish held areas with overstuffed suitcases and bags in their possessions. Others have come empty-handed with only the clothes on their backs. Meanwhile over 300,000 Syrians have lost their lives in the long civil war and it appears the exodus of Syrian refugees to Europe and other countries of the region will not stop any time soon. They have no chance to return so long Bashar al-Assad is in power.  
UN Rights Chief Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein on Wednesday said civilians in eastern Aleppo faced “a nightmare which clearly violates the most basic norms of human rights and any shred of human decency.”
“Pounded by accelerating bombardment, deliberately deprived of food and medical care, many of them — including small children — they are simply waiting for death,” he said.
The UN humanitarian official and the UN’s peace envoy Staffan de Mistura are spending fruitless time as Russia is not ready to end Aleppo offensive without total victory for Assad regime. John Kerry is no more in the visibility while the new US administration appears more hostile to Islamist rebels fighting the Assad regime.
Syria’s opposition National Coalition said it was working with France on a draft UN resolution for an immediate ceasefire, though Russia is likely to veto such proposal.
A family tweeted on Thursday from besieged eastern Aleppo highlighting its plight. It said “We give up on life,” The mother said their home has been destroyed by Syrian army while she made a desperate plea on President Obama to help the family to ‘get far away from battle-ground.’ But with US reluctance to play its big power role, it appears that the power vacuum is making world peace the biggest victim.
The fight against Assad should be against Assad’s life and not capturing land.