Asia-Pacific countries begin to ease pandemic-related travel bans

People arrive at Beijing Railway Station after an eight-day National Day holiday following the outbreak of the coronavirus in Beijing, China.
People arrive at Beijing Railway Station after an eight-day National Day holiday following the outbreak of the coronavirus in Beijing, China.
Reuters, Sydney :
Asia-Pacific countries including Singapore, Australia, Japan and Thailand are gradually easing some international travel restrictions as coronavirus cases slow, in hopes of helping to revive their economies.
International travel in Asia has collapsed during the pandemic because of border closures, with passenger numbers down 97% in August, according to the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines.
European Union countries last week agreed to a common “traffic light” system to guide them on COVID-19 testing or quarantines on EU tourists, though rising case numbers are leading to fresh restrictions.
In Asia the trend is toward easing, though not always on a bilateral basis.
For now, few people are likely to travel because of testing and insurance requirements, and in some cases the need to quarantine upon return home, meaning the deals offer limited hope for airlines and the tourism industry.
A Singapore-Indonesia deal announced on Monday for essential business and official travel will require an application and COVID-19 swab tests both before and after travel.