Ariful Haque Chowudhury, Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC), speaking at a workshop as chief guest with the engineers of SCC where the need of sustainable construction was highlighted organized by LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited (LHBL) recently. Nur Azizur Rahman, Chief Engineer of SCC, Zafar Sadek, Regional Sales Manager and senior of executives of the company were also present.

Ariful Haque Chowudhury, Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC), speaking at a workshop as chief guest with the engineers of SCC where the need of sustainable construction was highlighted organized by LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited (LHBL) recently. Nur
Ariful Haque Chowudhury, Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC), speaking at a workshop as chief guest with the engineers of SCC where the need of sustainable construction was highlighted organized by LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited (LHBL) recently. Nur