SCC election 2018: Arif from BNP, Kamran from AL want nomination

Sylhet Bureau :
As per election schedule, 30th July will be the polling date of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) election. The high voltage election of SCC has been spreading curiosity and tension among political leaders, activists and even conscious class voters of Sylhet City.
The two leading parties Bangladesh Awami League and Bangladesh Jahiyatabadi Dal (BNP) are going to field their candidates. Now the question is who will laugh the last laugh in the prestigious election of SCC.
In the candidature race, former Mayor and Sylhet City AL President Badrauddin Ahmed Kamran, AL City General Secretary Asad Uddin Ahmed Advocate and Councillor Azadur Rahman Azad are vying for candidature from ruling AL. While from BNP, Central Committee leader Ariful Haque Chwdhury is clearly ahead, in the mayoral candidature race. Besides, Sylhet City BNP President Nasim Hussain and Sylhet City BNP Secretary Badruzzaman Shelim are lobbying for BNP mayoral candidate for up coming 30th July SCC election.
It has been observed that two leaders-incumbent Mayor Ariful Haque Chwdhury and former Mayor Mr. Badrauddin Ahmed Kamran an are facing tough contest for their candidature from their respective parties.
Last year Mr. Kamran said that Awami League Chief Sheikh Hasina gave green signal for taking preparation for mayor election from Awami League.
Mr. Kamran said, ‘Being assigned by Prime Minister herself, I started field work, being associated with mass people in Sylhet City’. He added that he was always with people even after defeat in the last Mayoral election and always had taken to the street for his party and Sylhet City people. He claimed what development activities are now being carried on by the present Mayor, have been planned and formulated during his mayorship. Mr. Kamran opined,’ Awami League is a large and popular party. So, more than one may seek nomination for the mayoral slot’
He said’ AL will nominate one who is experienced, active, industrious and mind-reader of the members public, irrespective of caste and creed’. Moreover, the grass- root level activists of AL think, there will be a strong candidate from unofficial bigger opposition BNP. But, it is fact that there has been a strong contest within Awami League in which one time BCL strong hold leader and incumbent Sylhet City Awami league Secretary Asad Uddin Ahmed Advocate is also trying his utmost to get Mayoral candidature from the party high command.
Some local grass-root activists of AL think if Kamran is fielded, it will be very hard for incumbent Mayor Ariful Haque Chowdhury to surpass him (Kamran) in the Mayoral race. But within AL, three times consecutively elected councillor Azadur Rahman Azad has also been lobbying for Mayoral candidature from AL.
On the other hand , the candidature from BNP has become tough for incumbent Mayor and BNP Central Leader Ariful Haque Chowdhury as there are two others vying for the Mayoral candidature. They are the aforesaid BNP Sylhet City President Nasim Hussain and Secretay Baduzzaman Shelim. While talking to the grass- root level leaders and activistsof the party, they said that Mr. Arif edges ahead in vote- race. They added both messrs Nasim and Shelim possess less vote-banks compared to that of Arif.
While talkimg to local mediamen,
Mayor Ariful Haque Chowdhury said, ‘He had been given green signal from the BNP high command’. But both Nasim and Shelim do not agree. Now the question is who will be the Mayoral candidates – Kamran or Asad from ruling AL and Arif or other from BNP?
It can be mentioned here that 3, 21, 200 voters will exercise their right of franchise on 30th July in SCC election.
