Ardern has shown the way for building a beautiful world with love and compassion

New Zealand has broadcast the Islamic call to prayer and observed a two-minute silence last Friday to mourn those killed in the Christchurch attacks. The Muslim call to prayer sounded out over Christchurch and all over New Zealand.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern joined thousands of mourners near the Al-Noor mosque wearing black scarf over her head showing respect to Muslim religion. In a short speech she announced: New Zealand mourns with you. We are one.
Fifty people were killed and dozens more wounded in the attacks carried out by an Australian white supremacist, she was quick to announce a ban on all types of semi-automatic weapons.
Ms Ardern showed what leadership is in the midst of a serious crisis. She along with a group of politicians visited the victims’ families. Speaking without a script to a school where some of the victims attended, she urged the pupils to “Let New Zealand be a place where there is no tolerance for racism ever.” She told the grieving families, “We cannot know your grief, but we can walk with you at every stage.” And in a striking gesture, she refused to utter the name of the suspected killer. “He may have sought notoriety, but we in New Zealand will give him nothing,” she said. Not even his name.
The 37-year-old New Zealand Prime Minister has earned refreshing worldwide respect as a unifying force being compassionate and decisive doing bravely everything to bring together the people of all New Zealand as one and us sharing the sorrow the Muslim community is going through. Such togetherness and common empathy touched the Muslims everywhere.
Many have lauded Ardern’s response as she swiftly labelled the attacks as “terrorism” and bluntly called an Australian lawmaker’s suggestion of a link between Muslim immigration and violence “a disgrace.” Her message was clear: The New Zealand government would stand by the victims and the Muslim community and wholly denounce violence.
It is impossible not to note the contrast between the views of President Donald Trump compared to hers. Trump does not openly condemn white nationalism or violence in its name. While it’s true that white supremacy is deadly and needs to be confronted, something vote-obsessed US President blindly ignores. He is not doing anything about gun control. His hatred for Muslims became palpable when he announced Israel’s sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights.
The reality is without the weapons of mass murder, 50 New Zealand worshippers would still be alive. President Trump himself is a white supremacist and he cannot rise above. Some opinion builders in America are urging that they need a leader like Ardern.
At the same time we are anxious to see the wonderful people of New Zealand and their Prime Minister well protected. They must take all the care to preserve New Zealand as it is against outside hate killers. The Prime Minister and the people of New Zealand also expressed their determination not to change their ways and accept defeat to the perpetrator of human massacre. Terrorists have no religion. We have to be cautious also about power hungry political leaders who exploit hate as a vessel for political gains.
The world needs compassionate unifying leaders like the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern to live in one world together in peace and harmony with others.