Appeal of help to Myanmar a rogue country is futile without international pressure

RIGHTS campaigners urged the International Community to ensure Myanmar pay appropriate reparations to the countries affected adversely by the Rohingya refugee exodus. A local think tank in collaboration with German-based Free Rohingya Coalition held an internet seminar which appealed to the governments of the host countries and international support groups to recognise the rights of Rohingya community. The most persecuted Rohingya people have almost no employment and higher education opportunities in Bangladesh, though refugees in the Western world are getting all supports and opportunities. But in the case of Bangladesh, while ensuring decent employment for the national labour force, providing its own people with basic amenities and needs are the persisting challenge for the country, the one million refugees, mostly youths and women, are an unbearable burden for the Bangladesh economy and environment.
Experts said there is little likelihood that the UN Security Council will take action against the rogue Burmese state, therefore the onus lies on powerful states to impose sanctions on Myanmar. The global civil society should stand in solidarity with Rohingyas to establish their rightful claims to Myanmar citizenship. The UN-mandated agency UNHCR in most cases failed to provide adequate protection to refugees and ensure their rights as refugees. They are merely providing services for the survival of refugees. As Rohingyas need support, not charity, and in the absence of education an entire generation of Rohingya will grow up illiterate this becoming a burden on the host society.
We must say the international community needs to support the refugees Myanmar forced on us. Myanmar must aid agencies’ efforts to ensure Rohingya refugees survive during this pandemic time. The international community must also continue to apply pressure on Myanmar to protect members of its Rohingya population from widespread human rights violations and to implement measures that will support conditions for the Rohingya people to return home.
It is the international community’s humanitarian obligation to continue to push Myanmar to take back their people. The international powers have failed to deal with a small rogue country like Myanmar for causing inhuman miseries to Rohingya refugees in violation of international law.
We fully appreciate the concern expressed by the international community for the sufferings of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. We join them to appeal to the international community for assistance. The lives of these refugees violate every day all the human rights guaranteed by the UN Charter. It is heart-wrenching to see their sufferings.
If it were not Bangladesh, any other country would have gone for military action against Myanmar, no matter how strong the powerful war machine Myanmar built to suppress its people brutally. China and India has let down Bangladesh badly to our shame.