Anti-corruption human chain, rally held

Students of different schools of Chittagong formed a human chain in front of Chittagong WASA Square to observe the Anti-corruption Resistance Week yesterday.
Students of different schools of Chittagong formed a human chain in front of Chittagong WASA Square to observe the Anti-corruption Resistance Week yesterday.

Chittagong Bureau :
Students of different schools of Chittagong organised formed a human chain and organised rally in front of Chittagong WASA square yesterday to observe the Anti-corruption Resistance Week .
Under the auspices of Anticorruption Commission and City Anticourruption Resistance Committee , this human chain formed. The students carried placard and festoons against the anticorruption .
Among others Director General of ACC Md. Abu Md. Mostafa Kamal, Divisional Director Abdul Aziz Bhuyia, Deputy Director of Coordinated District office-1 Md. Morshed Alam , and the General Manager of City Anti-corruption Resistance Committee Mr. Shaon Partha.
After human chain, a colourful procession paraded the city street and ended at Shilpakala Academy premises.
A discussion meeting and cultural function was held at Shilpakala Academy . The programmess of the week will continue up to 6 January next, sources said.
