Another held over Kushtia children torture

UNB, Kushtia :
Police on Saturday arrested another accused at Majdia Boropara village in Ishwardi upazila of Pabna district in a case over torturing two minor children on theft charge in Kumarkhali upazila.
The arrestee was identified as Mir Akkas Ali Miru, 45.
Tipped off, a team of Kumarkhali thana police launched a drive at the house of Miru’s relative at the village early in the morning and arrested him. Earlier, police arrested two other accused in the case-Tanjil and his mother-in-law Rokeya Khatun— in connection with the incident.
Family members of the two children alleged that the accused tortured two minor children- Jewel and Asif- on charge of stealing a mobile phone set of one Rupali at Cheuriya Charmandalpara area of Kumarkhali upazila on Wednesday afternoon. They tied the two children to a tree and beat them up mercilessly although they repeatedly claimed that they did not steal the mobile phone.
Later, they released Asif taking Tk 2,000 from his family members but Jewel was admitted to Kushtia General Hospital as he fell sick due to the torture. Later, Robbel, elder brother of Jewel, filed a case against the three with Kumarkhali Police Station. Md Jahir Raihan, deputy commissioner of the district, said that they will provide all types of assistance to the victims’ families.