Annual research review workshop of BFRI inaugurated

Chittagong Bureau :
A two- day long annual research review workshop was Inaugurated by the Executive Chairman of Agricultural Research Council Dr. Abul Kalam Azad at the Auditorium of Bangladesh Forest Research Institute in Sholoshahar, Chittagong yesterday morning.
Director of BFRI Dr. Shahin Akter presided over the meeting . Executive Chairman of Agricultural Research Council Dr. Abul Kalam Azad was present in the meeting as Chief Guest. Dr. Mohammed Mohiuddin, Professor, Department of Forest & Environment Institute , Chittagong University was present as special guest .
 Chairman in his Speech said that the research work from BFRI would be reach to consumer in wide speed . The government fund for climate change must be use for research work and he urged the government for higher training and promotion to the forest research persons that they can smoothly carryout their research work. He added that research work is a brain work to use modern technology but the lemmatization hampered the work he also urged the researcher not to fastened .
Among others present in the workshop Chief research officers Dr. Sarmila Das, Dr Khurshid Akter and divisional officer Dr.Rafiqul Haider also participate in the discussion.
Mentionable that under 17th research division and 80 running research study progress discuss in this two day long workshop.
Bangladesh Forest research Institute Establish in 1955. Special guest said that before thirty years technology is backdated it is not possible to carry research work without using modern technology . He also said that modern world research and education both are forwarded but we are neglected both two side.
Dr. shahin Akter said that the vacant post of this Institute was in process to fulfill and we need to cooperation with national agricultural research system for our research work for the development of Agricultural Product.