Animal wastes to be removed in 24 hrs: DSCC Mayor

Staff Reporter :
Sacrificial animals’ waste will be removed from Dhaka South City Corporation areas within 24 hours, said Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Mohammad Sayeed Khokon on Sunday.
“We had done it in the past three years within 24
hours. Our employees were sincere in their duties and they will remove all waste within the stipulated time,” the DSCC mayor said while addressing a meeting with the waste management committee of the city corporation on removal of the waste of sacrificial animals at Nagar Bhaban on the day.
Earlier, the LGRD Ministry has selected 2,954 venues in 11 city corporations of the country for slaughtering sacrificial animals during Eid-ul-Azha in order to facilitate quick disposal of blood and waste.
Among them, 620 spots have been designated for DSCC, 543 for DNCC (Dhaka North City Corporations).
Mayor Sayeed Khokon urged the city dwellers to sacrifice their animals at the designated places.
 “If city dwellers sacrifice their animals at the designated places, it will be easy for the management committee to remove the waste of animals quickly,” he said.
Nearly three lakh cattle will be sacrificed in the city corporation in this Eid-ul-Azha. Around 25000-26000 tonnes of waste may be produced which will be very challenge for the corporations to clean, he added.