Anas wins UN Gold Prize for climate reporting

UNB, Dhaka :
A.Z.M. Anas, economic editor at The Financial Express, has been named a gold prize winner of the Prince Albert II of Monaco and UNCA Awards for the coverage of climate change, the first

Bangladeshi journalist to get this honour. This year, he is the only Asian reporter to be awarded this coveted prize. Since its inception, Anas has been the second South Asian newsman to win the gold, after Somini Sengupta, a Kolkata (West Bengal)-origin climate reporter for the New York Times.
Past recipients include reporters for such global media organizes as New Yorker, New York Times, CNN, PBS Hour, Al Jazeera, Thomson Reuters, Guardian, and NHK, said a press release on Monday.
The United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) will award the winners of its 2019 awards for best print, broadcast and online media coverage of the United Nations, U.N. agencies and field operations on December 6 in New York, the association announced on its website.
