America for America is not greatness

AS the world watches on, Mr Donald J. Trump as the new US President started rolling his make America great again policy in the very first day in office making the rest of the world feel all their anticipated fears coming into reality. His first executive order slashed parts of the Obamacare spreading massive protest all over in American cities. Anti-Trump protests also flared up in major global capitals.

People believe that Trump basically used ultra-right populist rhetoric to win election dividing the nation and destroying its values. Now he should become President of all Americans and the leaders of the free world to nurture American values that made America great instead of withdrawing America at a global corner.

His new trade policy with the theme of ‘patriotic protectionist policies,’ will only isolate America from global free trade regime by scrapping major existing agreements. It is no doubt poising the biggest threat to destabilize the decade old global trading system based von multilateralism and complicated supply chain. His vow to take on Islamist terrorists in the Middle East and scrap Iran nuclear deal is also sending signals for bigger troubles.

Trump assertion that more European countries may split from the European Union (EU) following Britain only makes Russian President Vladimir Putin happy. We must say Trump must keep in mind the warning of the outgoing CIA chief who demanded more matured handling of situation by Trump in matters related to Russia.


His pledge to end what he called an “American carnage” of rusted factories is going to add unrest to labour market. His policy that outsourcing of jobs abroad has devastated American workers made no secret that his protectionist policy to place interest of America First aims at creating high tariff wall to force exporting countries to make investment in the USA and create jobs for American workers.

Such policy has already become a key theme among political and business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Meanwhile, black-clad activists smashed store windows, blocked traffic and fought with police in riot gear in Washington, New York and most other American cities on Friday and Saturday as Trump started signing his new policies. Women march was the biggest protest on Saturday in Washington against Trump’s insults and disparaging policies towards women.

We must say the new President must pay heed to what millions of people voiced in protest in Australia, New Zealand, Tokyo, London, Madrid, Berlin and Brussels to a name a few. They demanded that Trump should not withdraw America from its global leadership role and harm global free trading system. They asked him to build bridges not walls with neighbours like Mexico and shun trade war with China and others. He must keep the multiracial character of the US society shunning the policy of hatred against immigrants.

Trump’s policy of America first is no greatness for America. America’s greatness lies in world leadership for human rights. America for America is not greatness for America.
