BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Tuesday claimed that the ruling party leaders’ remarks involving BNP with al-Qaeda’s ‘so-called’ audiovisual message threat is part of a deep-rooted conspiracy against Bangladesh to have it branded as a militant country.”The ministers’ remarks involving BNP with the al-Qaeda’s so-called audiovisual message is part of far-reaching plot against the country. They (AL) have long been trying to identify Bangladesh a militant state. Prime Minister’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy in an article had written that Bangladesh Army’s 35 percent members were militants,” he said. Addressing a protest rally, Fakhrul alleged that some ministers and ruling party leaders were making remarks involving BNP and its chairperson Khaleda Zia with the audiovisual message even before ensuring its authenticity only to endanger BNP.Dhaka city unit (north and south) Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club protesting the arrest of its top leaders, killing, forced disappearance and repression on them.An audiovisual message, believed to be from al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, has urged the Muslims in Bangladesh to wage an intifada (popular uprising) to confront the “crusader onslaught against Islam”. Following the alleged al-Qaeda threat, the ruling party leaders came up with allegations that BNP and Jamaat have connections with the message. Reacting to the ruling party leaders’ remarks, Fakhrul earlier on Monday alleged that the government has resorted to a strategy to get US favour and woo it by talking about al-Qaeda threat as the entire democratic world has rejected the January 5 elections.Mentioning BNP a liberal democratic party, the party spokesman said, “We don’t believe in terrorism and militancy. We believe in transfer of power through a fair election.”Turning to the upazila election issue, Fakhrul said the way the government is behaving on the eve of the polls there is no possibility of having any free and fair elections.”This Election Commission through the January 5 polls had proved that it’s a government puppet. So, the elections cannot be held in a free and fair manner under them,” he added.The BNP leader alleged that the government through the law enforcers are harassing its leaders and activists and creating obstacles to electioneering by the BNP-backed candidates. Stating that the country is in a deep crisis, Fakhrul called upon the students to come forward to save the country and its people from it.