All parties in Syria blocking aid: UN


BBC Onine :
The UN Secretary General has accused all parties in Syria’s civil war of “flagrant violations” of international law over the delivery of aid.
Ban Ki-moon urged the Security Council to act to implement a resolution passed in February demanding greater access.
In his second report to the council on the resolution, Ban said almost 3.5m civilians were being denied vital aid, including medicine and medical care.
Activists say about 150,000 people have died in Syria’s three-year civil war.
Millions of people have fled their homes as fighting shows no sign of easing.
In report described by the BBC’s Nick Bryant at the UN as a strong rebuke, Ban wrote: “The Security Council must take action to deal with these flagrant violations of the basic principles of international law.”
The report did not specify what measures the council should take.
The resolution approved in February called on all parties to allow aid to cross conflict lines and borders. However Ban told the council that Syria remained “an extremely challenging environment in which to work”. He added that the situation was getting worse.
“Thousands of people are not getting the medical care, including life-saving medicines, that they need,” he said.
